Congress adjourned for the week without determining the total spending levels for its FY2024 appropriations bills.
These top line levels must be determined before each individual bill and specific components within the bills can be negotiated between the House and Senate.
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), in a letter to House Republicans, said, “It continues to be my intention that the House and Senate complete action on full-year bills ahead of the January 19 and February 2 deadlines provided for in the last continuing resolution. I do not intend to have the House consider any further short-term extensions. The Fiscal Responsibility Act is the law of the land, supported by over two-thirds of our Conference, and it provides the framework for which we are negotiating final outcomes.”
The Fiscal Responsibility Act, also known as the “debt limit deal,” provided for pared back spending levels while also raising the debt ceiling to allow the government to borrow funds for future spending.
After agreeing to a deal to raise the debt limit and set spending levels, the House and Senate versions of individual appropriations bills have diverged from one another on overall spending levels. Most of the bills the House has passed have set spending levels below that of the debt limit and spending deal agreed to by Congress in the White House earlier this year. Those spending differences will need to be reconciled in conference once both chambers pass their appropriations bills.
Congress has also passed two Continuing Resolutions, extending current funding for some departments, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), through January 19 and other departments through February 2.
The Senate has passed three bills, including Agriculture, Military Construction/VA, and Transportation/HUD, in a “minibus” bill. It has not considered any other bills beyond the minibus.
Please find the below tracker with updates on the status of House appropriations legislation.
*Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration
- H.R. 4368
- Not agreed to 191-237 (September 28)
*Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
- H.R. 5893
- Has not passed Committee
- Has not received a floor vote
- H.R. 4365
- PASSED 218-210 (September 28)
Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies
- H.R.4394
- PASSED 210-199 (October 26)
*Financial Services and General Government
- H.R. 4664
- Passed Committee (July 13)
- Has not received a floor vote
- Was debated on the floor the week of November 6
Homeland Security
- H.R.4367
- PASSED 220-208 (September 28)
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
- H.R. 4821
- PASSED 213-203 (November 3)
*Labor, Health and Human Services, Education
- H.R. 5894
- Has not passed Committee
- Has not received a floor vote
Legislative Branch
- H.R. 4364
- PASSED 214-197 (November 1)
Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
- H.R. 4366
- PASSED 219-211 (July 27)
State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
- H.R. 4665
- PASSED 216-212 (September 28)
*Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies
- H.R. 4820
- Passed Committee (July 18)
- Has not received a floor vote
*Has not passed the House floor