The Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE), the world’s largest meeting of food and nutrition experts, took place this past week in Orlando and NCC /Chicken Check In sponsored the Master the Media networking event, hosted by media dietitian Amy Gorin.

The group included media dietitians, an influential group of health professionals who contribute to top tier media and discuss the latest health trends, nutrition research and other on-trend health and wellness topics. In total, there were 89 official attendees with diverse backgrounds, including culinary nutrition, sports nutrition, retail, clinical, and more.

NCC used the event to tee up new research it has commissioned from Purdue University researcher Dr. Wayne Campbell to systematically review scientific literature and to assess the status of current research, in addition to determining gaps in the literature related to chicken nutrition and human health. There is not one single scientific review study that looks at the relationship between eating chicken and health by a US-based organization or university. It all starts with a review of the current scientific evidence based on chicken nutrition to get grounded in gaps, opportunities and future research direction. Dr. Campbell will soon have two new, peer-reviewed papers published in top-tier nutrition journals.

RD attendees were very interested in the upcoming research. Some quotes from attendees include:

  • “As a sports dietitian, this research is exciting because it helps solidify the recommendations we make to our athletes. They eat it so much already, and this will only help reinforce why we make the recommendations that we do.”Angie Albers (Asche)
  • “I had been a vegetarian for so many years, and when I decided to start eating meat again, chicken was the first thing I tried. I knew that it was nutritious, versatile and delicious.”Kelly Jones
  • “Cool research – I will stay tuned! More reasons to love chicken!”Andrea Kirkland