The House Appropriations Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Subcommittee today passed the FY2022 Appropriations bill by a voice vote.
No amendments were offered and a roll call vote was not requested.
For fiscal year 2022, the bill provides discretionary funding of $26.55 billion, an increase of $2.851 billion over FY2021 enacted levels. In total, the bill includes $196.7 billion for discretionary programs funded on an annual basis and mandatory programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
The bill provides $1.153 billion for the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), an increase from FY2021’s $1.092 billion.
The bill text can be found here.
The bill now heads to the full House Appropriations Committee for a vote. The bill can be combined with any of the other 12 appropriations bills into a “minibus” or combined with all of them to form an “omnibus.”
Once the bills are passed by the committee, they head to the full chamber for a vote. Both chambers must pass all of their appropriations bills before a conference can take place. No new provisions may be added in a conference. Once conferenced and both chambers agree on the same bill, both chambers must pass the newly-conferenced bill before it heads to the President for his signature.
The Senate Appropriations Committee has not released any of its appropriations bills for FY2022.
Government funding runs out on September 30, 2021.