Broiler-type chicks hatched during 2020 totaled 9.87 billion, down slightly from 2019.
Placements of broiler chicks for meat production totaled 9.79 billion during the 53 week period ending January 2, 2021, up one percent from the 52 week period ending December 28, 2019.
Leading United States breeders had intended placements of 98.4 million broiler-type pullet chicks for future domestic hatchery supply flocks during 2020, up slightly from 2019. Leading United States breeders had intended placements of 3.61 million egg-type pullet chicks for future domestic hatchery supply flocks during 2020, up 26 percent from 2019.
The capacity of chicken hatcheries on January 1, 2021, was 988 million eggs, down slightly from January 1, 2020. USDA’s Hatchery Production
2020 Summary — April 2021, can be viewed here.