USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation on Tuesday approved $350,000 for five new research projects at four different institutions.
“Research is, and continues to be, a critical component of USPOULTRY’s and the Foundation’s service to the poultry industry,” said Greg Hinton, Rose Acre Farms and USPOULTRY chairman. “The Foundation Research Advisory Committee members volunteer many hours to review and evaluate research proposals before making recommendations for funding. We sincerely value and appreciate their work.”
The grants include:
- Role of Early Incubation Temperature Variation in the Development of the Wooden Breast Myopathy in Broiler Chickens (Auburn University, funding includes Foundation gift from Koch Foods)
- Assessing the Impact of Feed Supplements on Selection of Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (University of Georgia, funding includes Foundation gift from Mar-Jac Poultry)
- Role of Ratios of Limestone Particle Size and Phytase to Support Late Lay in Single Cycled Laying Hens – Focus on Eggshell Quality (Mississippi State University, funding includes Foundation gift from Centurion Poultry)
- Enhancing Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy of Recombinant Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) Vaccines in Broiler Chickens (North Carolina State University, funding includes Foundation gift from Mountaire)
- High-Resolution Salmonella Serotyping to Improve Surveillance in Turkeys (University of Georgia, funding includes Foundation gift from Cargill)
USPOULTRY’s press release can be found here.