USPOULTRY on Thursday awarded the 2020 Clean Water Awards to Tyson Foods’ facilities in New Holland, Pennsylvania and Robards, Kentucky.
“We received many great applications for this year’s Clean Water Awards, and they should all be applauded,” said Greg Hinton of Rose Acre Farms, and USPOULTRY’s 2020 chairman. “The quality of the applications received is representative of our members’ steadfast commitment to wastewater treatment and the conservation of our earth’s natural resources. Congratulations to this year’s winners.”
The awards, presented annually to facilities that exceed commitments in two categories: full wastewater treatment and pretreatment. The full treatment category includes plants treating wastewater under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, which allows facilities to discharge into a receiving stream or final land application system. The pretreatment category includes facilities that discharge pretreated effluent to a publicly-owned, full treatment facility for further treatment. The be eligible, a facility must have a minimum of two years of no significant non-compliances or notices of violations or any other type of enforcement action, according to a USPOULTRY press release.
The New Holland, Pennsylvania facility received the full treatment award, while the Robards, Kentucky facility received the pretreatment award.
Simmons Foods’ facility in Southwest City, Missouri was recognized as an honorable mention with distinction in the full treatment category. Tyson Foods’ facility in Berryville, Arkansas was recognized with an honorable mention with distinction in the pretreatment category.