The Food Marketing Institute, the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) and the Animal Agriculture Alliance developed and funded a research project that looked at sustainability-related poultry production practices with a focus on cage-free eggs and slow-growth broilers.
Dr. Jayson Lusk, Ph.D., food and agricultural economist at Purdue University, conducted the research and examined consumer beliefs, knowledge, and willingness-to-pay for specific attributes, such as cage-free eggs and slow-growth broilers. Dr. Lusk’s research team surveyed more than 2,000 respondents who were asked to make a series of choices among products that vary in price, production practices, labeling claims, product color and appearance.
Overall the results suggest uncertainty about the future market potential for slow-growth chicken. At present, most consumers are unfamiliar with broiler production in general and with slow-growth chicken in particular.
To read the full research report, click here.
Link to the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Infographic.