KFC is gearing up to execute another attention-grabbing promotion. The company plans to send out it spicy chicken Zinger sandwich to the edge of the atmosphere via a stratospheric balloon. The stunt will be the longest controlled stratosphere balloon flight with a commercial payload and will involve several consumer-facing activities.
“As we were thinking about it, the challenge was ‘How do we make this a big deal?'” George Felix, director of advertising for KFC U.S., said. “What the colonel would do is something that would get attention.”
Having previously been available in other global markets, KFC brought the Zinger to the United States earlier this year and has been promoting it via television commercials. The spots include the company brand icon Colonel Sanders, who is portrayed by actor Rob Lowe. Lowe echoes Kennedy’s moon shot proclamation saying KFC is making “spicy, crispy chicken sandwiches not because it is easy, but because it is hard.”
The sandwich will take flight in a specialy designed satellite bucket that wil have the capability to take selfies in space, screen consumer tweets sent using a dedicated hashtag, drop a coupon to earth, and wave a KFC flag.
To pull off the sandwich-in-space stunt, KFC partnered with World View Stratolite, which creates balloons that can execute a variety of flight profiles, including circumnavigating the globe or holding a spot over a specific location. “We’ve got 70 years of experience making chicken and zero years in space,” said Felix.
To follow the launch, visit http://www.yesweareactuallysendingachickensandwichto.space