The Congressional Chicken Caucus was officially reformed in both the Senate and House of Representatives, as members came back to Washington for the first full week of the new 115th Congressional session. The Senate Chicken Caucus will be co-chaired by Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and Chris Coons (D-DE), and the Congressional Chicken Caucus in the House co-chaired by Representatives Steve Womack (R-AR) and Jim Costa (D-CA).
“On behalf of the National Chicken Council and our members, I want to thank Senators Isakson and Coons, and Representatives Womack and Costa for their leadership and for their dedication and tireless work on those issues most important to U.S. chicken producers,” said National Chicken Council President Mike Brown. “Along with co-chairs and the caucus, we look forward to working with the new Congress and administration to further the interests of the producers of America’s favorite protein.”
The Congressional Chicken Caucus was formed in the 112th Congress to educate members and staff about the history, contributions, challenges and opportunities facing the U.S. chicken industry, which emanate from a wide range of issues pertaining to food safety, trade, labor, immigration and the environment. The caucus will continue to serve as a liaison to streamline communications, thus creating a network that will be in a better position to promote the interests of our constituents.
The chicken industry’s economic impact can be felt in every state and district throughout the United States. As America’s favorite protein, chicken enjoys an unparalleled reputation at home and abroad for being safe, wholesome and affordable. U.S. chicken companies directly employ over 355,000 in chicken production and processing, making products worth a wholesale of over $70 billion dollars annually with major operations in more than 30 states. Further, there are more than 30 vertically integrated companies that contract with about 25,000 family farmers to raise chickens in the U.S. Although chicken farms and processing plants may or may not be located in every congressional district, the industry’s induced economic impact can be felt in every sector of the U.S. economy, in every state and every congressional district.
For specific information about chicken’s economic impact at the national, state and district level, please visit