Senate Passes Stopgap Spending Bill

On December 15, 2016, in Government News, by Maggie Ernst

The Senate passed late last week a stopgap spending bill, known as the continuing resolution (CR), to fund the federal government until April 28, averting a possible shutdown.  The House passed the spending bill on December 9.  The Senate approved the measure by a vote of 63-36. by the 11:00 pm deadline last Friday.

The breakthrough in the Senate came after coal state Senate Democrats who were blocking action last week on the bill over benefits for retired miners.  The group, led by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WVA) failed to sustain a filibuster over demands for a longer extension of the miners’ health-care coverage.   The coverage for the miners will be extended only through April.

The Senate also approved the water projects measure, called the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, by a vote of 78-21 early last Saturday morning.  The bill protects safe drinking water; provides upgrades to infrastructure like ports; drinking water aid for Flint, Michigan; and provides $558 million in drought relief for California farmers.