The U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has released a list of the amendments proposed for the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP). The proposed amendments were brought forward, voted on, and approved during the NPIP 2014 National Plan Conference by delegates consisting of flock owners, breeders, slaughter plants, poultry veterinarians, state agencies and other poultry industry professionals. The changes would reflect current international standards for items such as diagnostic tests and testing requirements, in addition to updating the requirements for participation in the voluntary plan. An overview of the proposals is listed below:
- Clarification of the Plan Intention;
- Revised requirements for records retention for hatchery inspections;
- Clarification of disease testing requirements, procedures, and monitoring;
- Revision of sanitation requirements for hatching eggs and meat-type waterfowl;
- Addition of commercial table-egg producing upland game birds and waterfowl to H5/H7 Avian Influenza testing program; and
- Amendments to the requirements for slaughter plant inspection and authorized laboratories.
Complete details of the proposed amendments is available here. All comments on the proposed amendments may be filed through the Federal eRulemaking Portal, and are due by May 23, 2016.