Supermarket sales volume for fresh chicken in 2013 totaled $10.686 billion for the stores included in the FreshLook data program, a 7-percent increase over 2012 and the largest increase for any of the meats. Overall meat sales volume last year totaled $44.586 billion, a 2.7-percent increase over a year earlier, according to the latest monthly report. Increased sales volume were experienced by beef by 1.8 percent, pork by 0.7 percent, and lamb by 6.5 percent.
Pounds of fresh chicken sold in 2013 were 4.772 billion pounds, 0.6 percent higher and the average price was $2.24 per pound, up 6.4 percent. By comparison, total meat sold was 14.464 billion pounds, 0.6 percent ahead of 2012. Beef poundage was off 0.3 percent while pork pounds were up 2.0 percent. The price for meat and poultry averaged $3.08 per pound, 2.1 percent more than in 2012. Beef’s retail price was reported at $4.42 per pound last year, an increase of 2.2 percent, while pork’s average price was off 1.2 percent.
Chicken’s average price at $2.24 per pound in 2013 compares with a feature average price of $2.52 per pound and a weighted sales price of $1.89 per pound. The percentage of chicken sold on sale was 27.3 percent compared with 29.4 percent for all fresh meat. The report is available here.