IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group has joined the National Chicken Council as an allied leader member company. Dr. Kenneth Petersen, president, division of regulatory compliance, will serve as the official representative to NCC. The company, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, was founded in 2001 and privides comprehensive, confidential, public health, and food testing services through laboratory sites in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
IEH has expertise in classical and molecular microbiology, pesticide, and other residue testing, food chemistry, polyphasic DNA sequencing/phenotypic microbial identification, PFGE genetic fingerprinting, and nutritional analysis. The company is intimately familiar with scientific and regulatory aspects of food safety, including microbial and chemical analyses; HACCP design and preventive controls; recall, and other crisis management, USDA-FDS regulatory support; and enforcement responses for all foods, shelf-life and spoilage analyses, and validation studies.