A “Chicken and Wild Rice Recipe Roundup” contest was launched this week as a way to remind consumers about the great taste, convenience, and versatility of two of America’s favorite foods. The National Chicken Council is partnering with the USA Rice Federation and the California Wild Rice Advisory Board to have home cooks submit their best chicken and rice recipes. Complete contest details can be found on Facebook by clicking here.
Contest entries will be accepted until May 19, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The three top winners will receive gift cards, rice cookers, and have their winning recipes publicized on websites of the USA Rice Federation, California Wild Rice Advisory Board, and National Chicken Council. A top prize of $500 will be awarded for the best recipe. Visit Chicken’s Facebook page for contest postings and follow @ChickenFTW on Twitter for updates. Followers will be kept engaged in the contest while learning worthwhile and interesting tips for preparing chicken and rice.
“Chicken and rice are natural partners for great recipes, tasty meals, and now an opportunity to be rewarded for creative combinations of two delicious foods,” said Hilary Burroughs, manager of marketing services at Sanderson Farms and Chair of NCC’s Marketing Committee.