Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran (R) will now be the Ranking Member on the Senate Agriculture Committee bumping Pat Roberts (R-KS) from the position. Cochran was forced by term-limit rules to give up his position as the Ranking Republican on the Appropriations Committee and will be replaced by Richard Shelby (R-AL). Roberts will take over the ranking slot on the Rules Committee. This week the Republican Caucus also announced committee assignments for the 113th Congress, the Democratic Caucus had completed their assignments in December.
The new members on committees important to the chicken industry are:
Agriculture: The Democrats have added Joe Donnelly (IN) and Heidi Heitkamp (ND). The Republican roster will remain the same minus Richard Lugar (IN), who was defeated in the primary.
Appropriations: The Democrats have added three new Members: Jeff Merkley (OR), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), and Tom Udall (NM). Republicans have two new Members: Mike Johanns (NE) and John Boozman (AR).
Energy and Natural Resources: New Democrats are Maize Hirono (HI) and Martin Heinrich (NM). New Republicans are: Jeff Flake (AZ), Lamar Alexander (TN), and Tim Scott (SC).
Environment and Public Works: No change in the Democrat roster. Republicans have added Roger Wicker (MS) and Deb Fischer (NE).
Foreign Relations: New Democrats are Chris Murphy (CT) and Tim Kaine (VA). Republicans have four new Members, including two from the same state: Ron Johnson (WI), Jeff Flake and John McCain (AZ), and Rand Paul (KY).
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions: New Democrats: Tammy Baldwin (WI), Chris Murphy (CT), and Elizabeth Warren (MA). Republicans will add Tim Scott (SC).
Judiciary: Maize Hirono (HI) will be the only Democrat added to the committee, replacing Herb Kohl who retired. Republicans will replace two vacated seats with Jeff Flake (AZ) and Ted Cruz (TX).