Chicken Exports in July Increase 40.9 Percent in Value

On September 16, 2011, in Chicken Exports, by Debra Newman

Chicken exports in July this year were 318,494 metric tons valued at $358.72 million, compared with 247,245 tons valued at $254.57 million in July 2010, a 28.8-percent increase in quantity and 40.9-percent increase in value. Hong Kong was the top parts market with 58,307 tons valued at $76.94 million, a 86.3-percent increase in quantity and a 65.6-percent increase in value over July a year ago.

Of the top 15 parts markets, only Taiwan and Guatemala declined in quantity, while only Canada and Taiwan decreased in value.  On a combined basis, the performance of the top 15 parts markets in July was in strong contrast to the “other countries” results, as the top 15 markets had a 69.8-percent increase in quantity and a 67.4-percent increase in value, while “other countries” were off 23.2 percent and 5.7 percent for quantity and value, respectively.

Chicken parts exports for July 2010 and July 2011 were as follows:

U.S. Chicken Parts for the Month of July
Destination Quantity Value
2010 2011 Change 2010 2011 Change
– metric tons – – percent – – million dollars – – percent –
Hong Kong 31,292 58,307 86.3 46.47 76.94 65.6
Mexico 34,027 35,603 4.6 26.87 32.16 19.7
Russia 407 28,394 6,876.4 0.25 30.87 12,447.6
Cuba 12,148 15,805 30.1 8.94 15.54 73.9
Angola 9,475 12,415 31.0 9.68 13.42 38.6
Georgia 2,137 12,327 476.8 1.41 12.51 790.7
China 10,252 11,666 13.8 14.48 14.73 1.7
Canada 9,289 11,341 22.1 25.27 23.82 -5.7
Turkey 2,051 10,933 433.1 1.60 9.98 523.2
Korea 8,153 8,872 8.8 9.51 10.82 13.8
Vietnam 4,307 7,649 77.6 3.86 8.30 115.1
Taiwan 7,237 5,542 -23.4 7.43 6.72 -9.5
Congo (Kinshasa) 283 5,474 1,834.3 0.20 5.05 2,450.0
Guatemala 5,685 5,429 -4.5 5.02 5.42 8.0
Ghana 1,636 5,154 215.0 1.36 5.48 303.5
Top 15 Markets 138,379 234,911 69.8 162.35 271.77 67.4
Other Countries 108,866 83,583 -23.2 92.22 86.94 -5.7
Grand Total 247,245 318,494 28.8 254.57 358.72 40.9

For the first seven months of 2011 Hong Kong and Mexico were the leading parts markets with both countries increasing in quantity and value.  Korea was the third largest market followed by Russia.  Eleven of the top 15 markets increased in both quantity and value during January-July 2011.  For the top 15 parts markets during January-July this year, the quantity gained 14.4 percent and the value rose 18.9 percent.  On the other hand, “other countries” dropped 17.1 percent in quantity and 4.0 percent in value.

Chicken parts exports during January-July 2010 and January-July 2011 were as follows:

U.S. Chicken Parts for the Period of January-July
Destination Quantity Value
2010 2011 Change 2010 2011 Change
– metric tons – – percent – – million dollars – – percent –
Hong Kong 251,088 312,951 24.6 370.50 433.59 17.0
Mexico 246,468 249,468 1.2 183.99 224.37 21.9
Korea 45,338 79,803 76.0 53.30 92.54 73.6
Russia 26,012 77,786 199.0 22.40 83.37 272.2
Taiwan 73,867 65,659 -11.1 77.86 72.53 -6.8
Canada 58,045 65,485 12.8 154.13 146.25 -5.1
Angola 74,705 61,961 -17.1 68.44 68.41 0.0
Georgia 51,692 52,119 0.8 41.02 50.27 22.6
Iraq 47,998 49,484 3.1 35.62 47.23 32.6
China 58,161 49,241 -15.3 78.34 61.84 -21.1
Vietnam 49,713 49,050 -1.3 49.50 51.75 4.6
Philippines 33,736 42,225 25.2 31.79 39.60 24.6
Latvia 31,927 38,275 19.9 23.24 35.03 50.7
Guatemala 36,064 37,223 3.2 30.50 34.86 14.3
Haiti 23,134 36,976 59.8 20.30 33.29 64.0
Top 15 Markets 1,107,948 1,267,706 14.4 1,240.90 1,474.94 18.9
Other Countries 641,152 531,547 -17.1 559.00 536.70 -4.0
Grand Total 1,749,100 1,799,253 2.9 1,799.89 2,011.63 11.8